
Katie is a cheerful, humble young woman who grew up in New Orleans after spending an idyllic five years in Hawaii as a young child. Difficulties with her family over the years eventually lead to her leaving her home and living on the streets.  While always outwardly sunny and personable, Katie says the biggest struggle for her living outside has been getting a good night’s sleep, and having to deal with a constant stream of harassment.

When asked what keeps her positive she says, “What keeps me positive is knowing that I always have tomorrow. I have a new day to look forward to and to me that is promising enough. Also seeing people happy and having good news always keeps me going.”

Katie previously worked in housekeeping, gym maintenance and restaurants and has traveled extensively.  She found herself most drawn to North Dakota and Montana because of the outdoor activities and peaceful atmosphere.  Some of her hobbies include art, dancing, music, rock climbing, adventure, food and “just about anything enjoyable in life that there is to do!”

She says that the misconceptions of people living outside are that they are, “dirty, lazy, into drugs or criminals. Many of us just want to do good in life and be respected individuals. We don’t  deserve to be disrespected or treated badly because we have no money.” Katie serves as an example of someone that deals with the daily struggle and stress of homelessness with grace and humility.



