Ways of Giving

There are many ways to pledge your support and make contributions to our Sharing Days, Rebuilding Lives capital campaign.

Pledge your support via mail & check

Fill out our Letter of Intent and make your contributions via check

Checks can be made out to Harry Tompson Center with Capital Campaign in the memo

Mail letters of intent and checks to: Harry Tompson Center c/o Immaculate Conception 130 Baronne St. New Orleans, LA 70112

Make your gift online

Our capital campaign giving platform allows you to make a one-time or multiple payments quickly and easily. For example, if you wanted to pledge $25,000 to the campaign, you can enter your own amount of $5,000 and have set up annual payments ending in 5 years.

Donating stock

Making a gift of appreciated stock to the Harry Tompson Center and the Sharing Days, Rebuilding Lives Campaign is as easy as contacting your broker, and there may be considerable tax advantages for you as compared with writing a check or giving online.

More than likely, you have stocks that are worth more today than what you originally paid for them. If you were to sell those stocks, you would subject to pay capital gains taxes of up to 20%, depending upon your tax bracket.  

By giving appreciated securities you have owned for more than one year directly to the Harry Tompson Center, you could receive two tax benefits.  Please discuss these possibilities with your tax adviser as you consider this way giving: 

  1. You are entitled to a federal income tax deduction based on the current fair market value of the securities, regardless of their lower original cost.

  2. You will be exempt from paying capital gains taxes on any increase in value- taxes you would pay if you were to sell the securities.

Tax-Free IRA Charitable Distributions

  • If you are 70½ or older, you can give up to $100,000 directly from your IRA or Roth IRA to qualified not-for-profits such as the Harry Tompson Center.

  • The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you still benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions.

  • The transfer must be from the administrator directly to the Harry Tompson Center.

  • You do not have to report the IRA distribution as taxable income on your federal income tax return.

  • If you are 72 or older and have not taken your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year, your QCD can satisfy all or part of that requirement.

  • The transfer may be made in addition to any other charitable giving you have planned.

For questions related to your donation, please reach out to Emily Bussen Wain, LMSW at ebussen@harrytompsoncenter.org or by calling 504-273-5547 ext. 1.

Thank you!