Hop to it!

Gala announcement by Vicki Judice, Executive Director of the Harry Tompson Center

I think we can all agree that Father Harry Tompson was a man of action.  Many recall his inspirational homilies which encouraged us to stop wondering about things and just “HOP TO IT!”  Leading by example, Father Harry hopped from one issue to another, from one person in need to the next – always on the lookout for how he could do more, love more, serve more, and  recruit more helpers in the overall mission of loving God and our neighbor.

We are proud of the work we do at the Harry Tompson Center. In collaboration with our partners at the Rebuild Center and the V.A. Community Resource and Referral Center, we provided services to over 5,000 homeless individuals in 2015.  Our staff of 10 employees and our volunteer team of 30 work hard to deliver quality services to those who look to us for hope and healing. Your support of the Harry at the Hop Gala we will keep us “hopping along” in search of the next person who needs our love and attention. Thank you so much!


“Thank You for Saying Yes.”


“Oh Christmas Twig.”