Learning to Be Human
“I am invited to learn, to listen, to empathize – going beyond direct service. It’s a humble education in the heart of being human.”
“I tried to told ya but you didn’t want heard me”
Remarks from the Interfaith Memorial Service 2019
Hope is not the same as optimism.
I thought “Oh my goodness, this situation seems rather hopeless. How’s he going to get from one place to the next when he can barely walk 3 feet in front of him?”
Meeting People Where They Are
The Harry Tompson Center is a place where we do just that, meet people where they are.
“There is a harmony that exists in the space that is the Rebuild Center.”
Each day at the Rebuild Center I witness acts of selflessness and compassion between people- guests, staff, and volunteers alike.
“To Remember”
It hurts me that some of the people that I was with out there actually died last year and didn’t survive. Some of them were the ones who encouraged me not to give up.
“It is like an oasis in the middle of our busy lives where God is very easy to find.”
I had the expectation that my weeks working here would be very demanding, and I would have to embrace my responsibilities like Jesus embraced his cross. I thought I would have to deal with insults, negative attitudes, very dirty showers, etc. My experience has been completely different.
“No One Has Ever Asked Me About Housing Before.“
He tended to sleep just about every day until around noon and then disappear, but then would reappear the next morning intoxicated once again. For years we repeated the same pattern…
“Thank You for Saying Yes.”
Damien said, “Everybody always tells me ‘I can’t, I can’t.’ Well you can and you do. Thank you.”
Hop to it!
I think we can all agree that Father Harry Tompson was a man of action. Many recall his inspirational homilies which encouraged us to stop wondering about things and just “HOP TO IT!”
“Being Homeless. Having a Home.”
This is just life happening, so you learn to fight for it and not squander it…
“Livin’ it up? Under the Bridge.”
Homeless in NOLA is a whole lot better than my second marriage…